Investigations, surveys and tests for geotechnical, geomechanical and hydrogeological characterization of in-situ rocks and soil.
Assessment of physico-mechanical properties and natural stress state
- large size sampling of rock and soil
- sampling of cylinders through die-cutting and coring
- density and water content tests of soil (*)
- load tests on plate on soil (*)
- load tests on plate on rocks
- large scale tests of compression, shear and swelling
- pressiometric and dilatometric borehole tests
- single and double flatjack plate tests
- overcoring 2D (Doorstopper) and 3D (CSIR, CSIRO) and undercoring tests
- hydraulic fracturing tests (HF and HTPF)
- dynamic tests on structural elements
Tests and structural controls
- sclerometric tests and Sonreb investigations
- pull-out test
- flat jack tests
- "Diwidag" tie rods stringing tests
- load and traction tests on piles and micropiles (*)
- load tests on floors
- pacometric and thermographic surveys
- integrity check in foundation piles
- ultrasonic tomography testing on masonry, columns and walls
- borehole core sampling
Hydraulic tests
- pumping tests and slug tests
- Lefranc and Lugeon permeability tests
- flow measurements with tracers and micro impeller pumps
Geophysical surveys
- 2D and 3D seismic, electric and ultrasonic tomography
- surfaces and boreholes Georadar (GPR) surveys
- vibration and noise measurements
- sonic coring and dynamic pile testing
- borehole logging, sonic (Full Waves), temperature, gamma rays, conductivity, spontaneous potential (SP), optical televiewer surveys (OPTV) and ultrasonic (BHTV) imaging
- single and 2D multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) surveys
- audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) surveys
- seismic face surveys of tunnels under construction
- visual inspections of tunnel lining and structure
- excavation profilometry and tunnel lining by means of 2D and 3D laser scanning systems
- borehole inspections and surveys with colour television probe
(*) Test authorized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport pursuant to circular n ° 7618 / STC 2010 ART. 59 D.P.R. 380/01.