CNS Sarmiento
Soterramento de la linea Sarmiento - Tramo Caballito-Moreno
El Soterramiento del Ferrocarril Sarmiento en su trayecto Caballito-Moreno es un proyecto de ingeniería que encara el Estado Argentino en l...
+Gozo Citadel
Geotechnical engineering consultancy and execution of ground investigation works and installation of a related monitoring system in relation to the consolidation of fragile terrain underlying the bast...
+Restoration works of the Charmaix Viaduct at Modane (France)
Installation of an automatic monitoring system for slope stability control .
+High capacity railway Torino - Lione
Pilot tunnel "La Maddalena".
Installation and management of a monitoring system for the control of the highway structures along the Clarea valley.
+Railway high speed Monaco-Verona
Brenner base tunnel. Pilot tunnel "Periadriatica" and other works.